Saturday, July 25, 2009

My little athelete...

Brielle is such a great little athelete. I guess it helps to have big brothers to show you the way and make you tough. She loves jumping off the diving board and doing 180's. She was so close today to doing a 360*! She also loves to dive for things and swim and swim and swim until she is exhausted! I love spending our days at the pool enjoying the laughter and the sunshine. :)

So relaxed!...

Brielle is quite the soccer player as well. She plays on a 4-5 year old team even tho she is still 3 till Aug. 21. It's so fun seeing her challenge these much older kids. I of course enjoying cheering her on just as I do for the boys. (once a cheerleader, always a cheerleader!) :) I got so excited as Brielle almost scored, the camera went crazy.

Yes, the grass is terribly brown. We have had FABULOUS weather this summer, but no rain!


Jeanne said...

Wow, she is something else! What a natural athlete!