Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brielle's Finger Trick

Ever since I can remember Brielle has been doing her 'finger trick' to help get herself to sleep. She needs to have a Gymboree (or she is ok with an imitation!) blanket in each hand. She puts her fingers in and out of the blanket edge. She is proud of her 'trick' and likes to teach us just how she does it. :) I wonder how long it will last? And because I don't know that answer I took these precious pictures to capture her special finger trick.

We all have the flu this week and Riley has been so sweet. She has been helping put Brielle to sleep. It is the sweetest thing to see the two of them snuggle up in their pink bed and drift off to sleep. Brielle has her finger trick here too!

Friday, September 25, 2009

FFF: Fall(?) Fun!!

The first day of Fall was nice and toasty here (in the 80's) so the girls had to cool off with the hose.

Lots of soccer in the fall. All three kids are playing. Brielle is practicing her skills on the sidelines of Drew's game.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


It's so close to Fall, but our summer just keeps on going! I LOVE it! We have had tons of sun since spring!

Brielle can be a girly girl or a tough little girl. Just love her! My favorite little girl climbing a tree...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Way Back Wednesday-

Daniel-7 years, Drew-3 years, Blake 7 months

Brielle-11 months

Friday, September 11, 2009

Favorite Foto Friday-Circus!

I chose Circus as my FFF this week since we went to the circus last night. What a great time we had. They really do a fabulous show with some magic that I just couldn't believe! :) I loved watching the JOY in Brielle's eyes as she watched everything. The boys (Drew and his friend, Kevin) were loving it too and especially enjoyed the dog tricks.

These were taken while waiting to go into the circus. We are having fabulous Sept. weather!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of School

It is hard to believe it is September and the kids are back in school. I love summer so much that it is hard for me to see it end. I think the only one who was truely excited to go to school was Brielle. She is in the 4's class at a new preschool this year. We are so excited about her school and know she will have a great year.

Daniel is starting 10th grade in High School! It is a fairly easy transition for him since he has been at the same building for Jr. High. He and his friends have been spending as much time as possible together.

Drew is in the 5th grade this year with a new teacher. Drew would prefer to stay home with Riley and ride on his new longboard, but I think once the school year gets going he will enjoy it.