Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy 4 1/2 Birthday Brielle!!

I can't believe my baby is 4 1/2!!! She really needs to slow down. We had a fun day celebrating at the beach. Yes, the beach. It was SUNNY and near 60*. If you live in the NW you know everyone goes crazy when the sun comes out and especially in the winter. You would have thought it was a hot summer day at the beach today! We brought Brielle's birthday cake (saved from her party in August) to the beach and sang happy birthday to her. She was loving it and kept getting away with things today because it was her 1/2 birthday.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Valentine's and Girl's Day

Brielle and I had a fun girls day on Friday while the boys were skiing. We went to Build a Bear and loved creating Maya. Brielle had so much fun choosing, washing, dressing and loving her new bear. I loved it too! It's so fun doing girly girl things together. :)

Valentine's Day with my sweeties...

Brielle was SO excited to have a Valentine box just like Drew!
Missing Erin on this Valentine's Day. 13 years ago she went to Heaven. Praying that she and Blake are loving on eachother.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Questions for Brielle

1. What if you could have a wild animal for a pet. What would it be and why?
*A fox because it's crazy
2. What if you won a million dollars. How would you spend it?
*I would give money to poor people.
3.What if you were president for one day. What would you do?
*Pray to God.
4. What if you had a genie that could grant you one wish. What would it be?
*To give money to the poor people.
5.What if you could travel back in time. Where and when would you go?
*I would want to go back to Tacoma to see Grandma and I would want to go to the market in Guatemala.
6. If you were stranded on a desert island what is the one thing you would want with you?
7. What does it mean to be adopted?
*Adopted means tricky stuff with Orfi (foster family).You can get a kid by babysitting. Aunt Julie had a baby and then she adopted him.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Riley!!

Riley turned one on January 29th! We celebrated Riley's birthday by going to the dog park where Riley loves to run free with other dogs. I made her a chicken/peanutbutter cake with dog treats for sprinkles. I know, I must REALLY love her to do that! Drew is the one who talked us all into getting a dog, but all of us have really enjoyed her. :) She is a very loving, fun and sweet dog.