Friday, March 12, 2010

Another sad anniversary

March 11, 2003--Blake was 1- 1/2 years old. He had some developmental delays, but he was doing so many fabulous things like feeding himself, saying words, laughing and walking with the help of our hands. We were hopeful Blake would just continue to improve on his own time. But on this day 7 years ago Blake had a very, very long seizure
that lasted over an hour. It was just a nightmare. It started at Daniel's school, he continued in the ambulance and at Children's hospital. I remember just begging God to stop his seizure. It was so terrifying and horrible. Yet, the worst was yet to come. From that point on Blake never learned anything new. He only slowly lost all of the wonderful abilities he had learned. How heartbreaking it is to watch your precious child lose his sweet words, beautiful smile and eventually his ability to nurse and eat yummy foods.

Today I grieve. I grieve for the Blake that was before March 11, 2003 and I also grieve for the Blake after that day as well. My heart is heavy and so very sad for the loss of such a precious boy with the most amazing bright smile.


Jen said...

This post rocked me to the core. I too, grieved for Blake (and Aviana) before and Blake (and Aviana) after. My heart was and is so heavy too.

I so wanted to write to you this day, especially!

I wanted you to know that I was here.

Thinking of you!

I wanted you to know I cared.

I was so frustrated to not be able to post this day, but so happy to be able to now!