Saturday, February 21, 2009


Today, February 21, 2009 is Brielle's 3 1/2 Birthday. She is so excited! I was explaining to her what 1/2 meant and said it was 1/2 way between 3 and 4 years and just saying 4 years made me sad...she is growing up so fast. I just love her right now so very much, I'm not ready for my baby girl to grow up any more. She tells me she can't help it. :)

Our family tradition is to put on our 1/2 a birthday hat, take out a piece of cake from the freezer that was stored on their birthday and sing Happy 1/2 Birthday. Brielle couldn't wait to eat the cake and ice cream!
Another tradition we have is taking a picture on birthdays and 1/2 birthdays with the bear in the chair. It's fun to see the pictures all together.
Brielle figures now that she is older she should be able to get a dog and stay up later at night as well as other privledges. She was asking me today if she could have a dog when she is older, then she stopped herself and said, "that's right, I am older, I'm 3 1/2 so can I have a dog?"

I took a bunch of pictures of Brielle tonight just because she is so darn cute!

I got a couple of good ones of Brielle and Drew. They are so sweet together (when they are not fighting!) :)
Brielle is totally into wearing shorts and a T-shirt. The minute she wakes us she runs to get on shorts and a t-shirt. I don't let her wear it out of the house since it's winter so the minute she gets home she runs upstairs to change back into her shorts and t-shirt! Meanwhile I am all bundled up and still freezing!


Bus and Sabra said...

Hope she had a great 1/2 birthday! Love your traditions-especially the picture with the bear. I know what you mean about them growing closer to 4-seems like yesterday we got Caleb's referral, and he, too is 3 1/2!